Celebrating Pirate Night for Kids at Home
Early Celebration of Talk Like a Pirate Day
You don’t have to wait until September 19 to celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day. We celebrated in August and I plan to make it a monthly affair at my house.
Like many a preschool boy, my son was obsessed with pirates. Blaming pirates for his ill manners, as well:
I’m eating with my hands because I’m a pirate. I’m speaking with food in my mouth, because I’m a pirate.
You get it.
So, one warm summer evening I declared it Pirate Night and we went ALL OUT.
Here’s a sampling of the night
Here’s the homemade costume:
1. head scarf
2. costume jewelry
3. a sword cut from cardboard
We get to eat with our hands.
Dance on the dinner table? Why not?
Dessert Treasure Hunt with a requisite map:

Feet on the table? Of course.
More Treasure Hunting:

Eating dinner on the beach a few nights later that summer my son was all, Let’s do Pirate Night. I saw him holding a tree branch and said Nope. You’re Harry Potter and I’m Hermione. I’m transfiguring this pasta into Hershey’s Kisses for you.
And, dinner was eaten very quickly that evening.