DIY Mini Flip Calendar Printable for Kids
*updated with 2025 calendars*
Here we are turning the page on another year. How about we turn the page on a calendar we made with our own hands? How about a little mini calendar with cute drawings drawn by your kids? I think that’s a swell idea!
Supplies needed to make this Flip Calendar
1. A print out of January-June and July-December
2. Scissors or a paper cutter
3. Stapler
4. Mini hole punch (a normal one will work too but a small punch is better)
5. Crayons or colored pencils (or marker pens if you use thicker paper than we did)
How to make this Flip Calendar
After you’ve printed out your calendar pages, cut along the dotted lines until you have twelve small pages. One for each month of the year. Put them in order and trim any edges that might be uneven.
Staple the pages together like so.
Punch a small hole for hanging your calendar. You could skip this step if you plan to hang it on a bulletin board with a push pin or a magnet on your refrigerator or locker.
Now it’s time to color. We used marker pens but the ink showed through a tiny bit so I recommend colored pencils or crayons or use thicker paper than the text weight we did. You’ll color on the back of each month for the following month. The back of February will be the picture for March, the back of March will be the picture for April etc etc… January will use the backside of December flipped around the back to be the front. Or you could add another page to act as a cover if you like.
Have fun with it! You could draw hearts for February, rain clouds for April, hot dogs on the grill for August…whatever you like!
If drawing on a blank page makes you draw a blank, cut out some pictures from a magazine or print out some of your favorite small photos. Anything will do. You could even call yourself a minimalist and leave it blank.