May Day Basket Idea
May Day is one of my family’s favorite holidays. I love the idea of showering friends with unexpected sweetness and my kids love the “ding and dash”! It is such a fun family activity that we look forward to each year. My kids take great pleasure in planning out how they can secretly leave our baskets— we have even borrowed a different car on occasion!
We have had some wild weather around here where I live and I am worried that there won’t be many flowers growing for May Day. These little paper baskets are perfect for bedding plants for the garden.
Large May Day Basket Template
Small May Day Basket Template
Print out the templates on cardstock. Use full sheets of paper even though printing doesn’t go to the edges. These templates are a blank canvas! You can use printed cardstock, or have your child color pictures on the colored cardstock or decorate the cardstock with stickers and glitter.
Lightly score the dotted lines on the cardstock and fold on all lines. Cut two strips of cardstock each about 1″ X 11″ long for the handle.
Fold corners to the inside on each end of basket.
Glue the two strips of paper together to make one long strip for the handle. Staple the end of the handle and the corners of the basket together. I made an “x” with the staples. You could also use a fancy brad or hot glue.
Repeat for the other side and the basket is finished. Embellish basket if desired!
The larger basket fits a garden six pack and the smaller a four pack.
Use a garden marker to write, “Happy May Day!” I found the large wooden ones at the garden store for about 10 cents each. I think it would be most charming in child’s writing (but my 4 year old can’t write yet and the others were at school).
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