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Happy Pi Day: let’s celebrate with some PIE!

By Isabel Kallman

Yes, Sunday is Pi Day and celebrated by math enthusiasts around the world on March 14th. For those of you slow on the uptake, Pi = 3.141592653… and is the symbol for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

Before you disappear from here thinking we’re going to give you math quiz or something, rest assured we can think of no better way to celebrate this mathtastic day but to recommend PIE! And, your very own single-serving of pie.

I found a couple of different recipes of single serving pies made in tiny jars. So cute!
From Not Martha:


Megan from Not Martha made adorable cherry pies in tiny jars an imparts her been-there-done-that wisdom when working with the petite sizes.

From Our Best Bites:

The gals at Our Best Bites also have fun making Pies in a Jar with different pie tops like lattice and crumble. Check out their tutorial as well.

I could not think of a better way to celebrate a weekend Pi Day.

About the Author

Isabel Kallman

Isabel Kallman is the founding mom of

Feel free to send nice emails to isabel[at]alphamom[dot]com.


Isabel Kallman is the founding mom of

Feel free to send nice emails to isabel[at]alphamom[dot]com.

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