Great Fourth Of July Crafts For Kids
The Fourth of July, the day we celebrate everything it means to be an American (liberty, freedom and the right to drive around in a gas-guzzling SUV while complaining about the cost of fuel) is coming up in a week or so. Most of us will celebrate by grilling food in the great outdoors, watching a parade (or two), viewing fireworks and maybe running with sparklers in the yard. Our neighborhood hosts a pancake breakfast on two neighbor’s front lawns on the Fourth, because nothing says “Liberty” like pancakes and bacon shared with your neighbors.
To give your kids a thing or two to do for the holiday I’ve come up with five great projects to get your yard looking “All American.” What’s more American than forcing your kids to do your decorating for you? I mean, enriching your kid’s lives with mind-blossoming craft projects?
Here’s an easily-adjusted idea for the under-5 set also from Martha. This ribbon and star garland would be great for decorating a table, a food table at a party or strung across the front porch. However, as I always do, I read the directions and knew in 2.4 seconds I wouldn’t even be able to handle making these fancy stars. Still, you can cut out red, white and blue construction paper stars for a group of little kids, and then give them markers and stickers (glue and glitter….depending on how nice you are: I am not that nice). Let the kids make as many stars as you need, grab some red or blue ribbon and staple all the stars along the length. Much easier, more charming and just as festive. Take that Martha.
Martha offers a printable template to make these patriotic fans. This craft could work for a kid with a careful sense of attention to detail. This detail being how to fold a fan with reasonable care. They’d make excellent table decorations for a party, they’re fun for kids to run around with and could even be stuck in the lawn.
This crazy Fourth of July crown is really cute and would be pretty darn easy to make. It’s also perfect for wearing to all your kid’s upcoming Fourth of July appearances. Using duct tape and pipe cleaners in patriotic colors, your kid gets a custom made crown. It reminds me of a simpler version of the crown my husband made for a Valentine’s day contest a few years back. You can see that version here.
Another template idea from Martha’s site is this three- dimensional-star centerpiece. Print the template and use it to cut stars from red, blue and white paper. Fold each star, staple together and you have a stand alone centerpiece. You can also attach string and hang it from a tree, it would be really cute to make 3 or 4 of them to hang at varying lengths in a tree.
Find More Patriotic Crafts Here:
- Fourth of July Craft: Sidewalk Chalk Stars
- Make Your Own Fourth of July Confetti Popper Rockets
- DIY Holiday Hats for Every Occasion