Girl Power T-shirt DIY Tutorial
We decided to skip the glitter and glue and stay far away from any paint or cutting of cardboard. We felt like coloring! What’s a better way to celebrate International Day of the Girl on October 11th and International Woman’s Day on March 8th than sporting a hand-colored Girl Power t-shirt!
Everybody likes to color. We actually printed out the designs, colored them in with washable markers and then scanned them in again to be printed out on iron-on transfer paper but you could buy special iron-on transfer crayons and skip the scanning step if you don’t have a scanner.
For the iron-on directions just follow the directions on the package. You can find iron-on transfer paper at most office supply stores or craft stores in the paper section. (My best iron-on-transfer paper advice: make sure your iron is bone dry before you iron!)
Click HERE for your own coloring sheet.
Click HERE for a variety of downloads you can print out to customize your t-shirt in your own special way. If you don’t see a design that works for you, feel free to email me and I’ll customize if it’s not too big of a change. Just remember these are for personal use only. So turn on your printer and get ready to rock your girl power! (We even made one for boys. ‘Cause boys rock too!)