Four Simple Ways to Change Up Your Kid’s Bedroom Decor
Kids’ rooms can be hard to decorate. For the past year, both of my kids have had one big square of the color they’d like on the wall. When people come over, they ask if we’re painting. I like to look at them confused and answer “No, why?”
Ha! Lazy home decorator humor!
I find it helpful to have a visual in front of me as I plan a project like this. Here are four great ideas I’ve had stored in my bookmarks. Maybe these will get you — or me! — started.
Picture This: Cool Kids Rooms
I’m a total sucker for kid’s bedroom eye candy, particularly when the room includes offbeat accessories or furniture. Anna Spiro at Absolutely Beautiful Things shared a great collection of ideas for striking kids rooms. My favorite is the boys room pictured here — I especially love the Pez dispensers displayed on the wainscoting, along with the great vintage red school chairs. They add personality to the room.
I also love DIY art, but it can feel intimidating. Fortunately, Evie Shaffer’s DIY nursery art tutorial is fairly simple, and the results are really striking. She uses three paper mache art boards, paint, paper and ribbon to create a sweet display. I think I can use this idea in my daughter’s room too, provided I use the right images. It’s an easy way to create custom art without spending a fortune.
Another excellent DIY idea for the walls is this poster size print at Black Eiffel, framed as four separate images hung together. This would be cute in a kid’s room or even in other rooms in the house. Since my kids aren’t babies anymore, I could see using pictures of them with their best pals or a family photo instead. This is a great way to change up the decor in an older kid’s room, too — the prints can easily be changed out as a child grows and changes.
Color is another way to personalize a kid’s room. The room pictured at right, from The Spruce, particularly caught my eye because of my little girl’s insistence on fuchsia and orange as her palate of choice. These are colors I never exactly imagined together and I fear the combination will radiate right through the wall into my bedroom and I’ll never sleep again. Because of this, I like how the white balances out the intensity of the accent colors. Painting a room white and adding fun color accents can be a good way to meet your kid halfway, especially if the colors of choice are something outside of your comfort zone.
There you go — four simple ways to update your kid’s room. The hard part is convincing her that it was all her idea in the first place. I can’t help you there, sorry.