DIY Toothbrush Charms for Motivating Kids to Brush Their Teeth
I’ve developed a new gimmick to get my kids to brush their teeth. It’s called Toothbrush Charms. With bells attached to their toothbrushes– from the the jingles emanating from down the hall– I can hear when my kids are brushing their teeth! I know, it’s probably silly and may only last a month (or a day?) before they figure out they can jingle it without actually brushing their teeth but for now it’s a fun craft and a great motivator. We’ll see how long it lasts.
Who wouldn’t love to decorate their toothbrush? Maybe you’d like to make some with your kids, too?
Supplies you’ll need to make Toothbrush Charms:
- beads
- elastic thread*
- small bells
- small elastic rubber bands
- toothbrush
Cut a small piece of elastic thread at least two or three inches in length. Tie one bead on one end and secure with a couple tight knots. Then add your beads and bells in whatever pattern you like until you get about an inch from the end. Make sure to include at least one bell, that’s the key to the musical teeth-brushing. Secure your string of beads and bells to a small rubber band and wrap the rubber band around the handle end of the toothbrush at least two times so it’s tight.
*Here’s a note about elastic thread: it likes to untie itself. If you’re having trouble keeping the knots secure, dab a small dot of clear nail polish and let it dry.
The good thing about these charms is they are easy to take off and put back on if they get wet and sticky from all that toothbrushing.
Then get to brushing! I hope this makes your daily routines a little more jingly and fun!