Fun Back-to-School Door Hanger Printables!
As summer vacation winds down and the new school year looms near for some parts of the country, we’ve started preparing. First up, we’ve created some Back-to-School door hangers perfect for getting into the studying mode. (You know it’s been a long summer when homework starts to sound like it might be fun.)
Or maybe decorating your door handle is fun. Either way, we’ve got some free printables for you if you’re getting into the Back-to-School spirit, too. Our printables are below. Just click to download, print, cut, fold in half and hang on your door! We used regular printer paper and double-stick tape to keep the sides together but card stock would work well.
Click on the links for back-to-school printables
Shhh! I’m studying (But I won’t say no to Snacks)
Shhh! I’m studying (for those who aren’t allowed to have snacks in their room)
Do Not Disturb I’m reading a Book.
and lastly, (just for fun):
May they make your school year smoother!