The Best Way to Handle a Toddler’s Drop-off Anxiety
A parent needs advice on how to handle her toddler’s separation anxiety while dropping her off at daycare. Amalah has advice.
A parent needs advice on how to handle her toddler’s separation anxiety while dropping her off at daycare. Amalah has advice.
How do you get urine smell out of beloved stuffed animals that live in the cribs of toddlers?
A mom turns to Amalah about tackling some big toddler transitions like potty training, weaning, and transitioning from a crib to a bed. Is there an ideal developmental time to “schedule” and plan for these milestones?
What do you do when your toddler needs her pacifier to sleep? How do you break the association?
A toddler is falling asleep by self-soothing and pulling out tufts of her own hair. Clearly her mom is concerned. What can she do?
The mom of a toddler needs sleep advice for when traveling. She has had bad experiences getting her daughter to sleep when traveling and is considering forgoing a summer trip because of it. There must be a better way. We have some advice.
A mom needs help getting her toddler who is experiencing a sleep regression back to his champion sleeping ways.
Is five years old to young to expect a child to be able to locate his misplaced lovey?
My weaned toddler likes to grab at my breasts. Is this typical toddler behavior or should I be concerned?
What’s the best way to deal with separation anxiety in an 8-month-old? Should I give in and hold him all the time or should I be keeping my distance?