23 Exceedingly Helpful Tips For Maintaining Your Sanity While Living With Children
“Do not paint any walls in your house with flat paint” is just one of our many helpful tips for staying sane while raising children.
“Do not paint any walls in your house with flat paint” is just one of our many helpful tips for staying sane while raising children.
You know that mom who makes it all look effortless. She sews, bakes and organizes class parties. I am a good mom, but I am not that mom.
Enough with the bad mother stories. I want to read about the simple joys of being a parent. I want to read people who inspire me to be a better parent.
Mothering isn’t about the big issues, it’s about the small lessons we pick up along the way. They are the things our children will remember us for, good or bad.
After spending time with my friends’ needy, clingy children, I am having second thoughts about parenthood. Will I really feel that differently about my own baby?
Even when you think you’re prepared, motherhood is just one surprise after another. We’re here to demystify it for you, just a little bit.
This year I am going to let go of the things that I feel guilty about and forgive my own shortcomings. What would forgiving yourself look like?
The lasts are hard for me to deal with because when they are happening we don’t know that they are the last. It’s in looking back the event has any importance.
Given the recent attention to mothers confessing secretly about hating motherhood, I thought it was time to ‘fess up to my own secret of parenting.
My mom became my biggest cheerleader once I became a mom, and shaped me into the mother I am now. I’d like to thank her for things left unsaid for too long….
As a first-time mother, ten best ways to keep your sanity when you have a newborn.
As the clock ticks down on my oldest’s remaining time at home before launch, the pushing and pulling between us intensifies, bittersweet.
I made a conscious effort to figure out what would make me the happiest. What things gave me the most bang for my buck, so to speak. And the rest I just let go. Is there a way to just be happier? Or is the real secret to stop making yourself crazy with the things that don’t matter?
Depression, like any other medical condition, can impact your ability to parent the way you want to. You and your kids can get through it, I promise.
Last year was a tough for me on many levels. I lost my joy. This upcoming year I am determined to get it back and make my family happier in the process.
What no one tell you is that while you are longing for some space, one day the roles will reverse. You will be the needy one in the relationship.
I hope you understand that you’re doing the best you can right now. You really are. But all of the tears, the worrying, the agonizing, the self-doubt? Useless.
My nine year old daughter is a perfectionist.
This past six week marking period she got her first ever B. She stomped up to her room and slammed the door. It hadn’t occurred to me before this that perhaps being a perfectionist had a negative side.
It’s time to sing the praises of the women who are your mother figures — even if their “official” title says something different.
Amalah uses a celebratory Advice Smackdown update for some self-reflection on our own hard-earned parenting achievements, as imperfectly won as they may have come.