Young ChildWhen the School Can’t (or Won’t) Help Your ChildBy Amalah I’m worried something isn’t quite “right” with my daughter, but her school keeps finding excuses for not evaluating our concerns. Where do I turn for help?
Big KidThe Dance Of DisclosureBy Mir Kamin To disclose or not to disclose: that’s the question when you’re dealing with special needs and increasing independence. My teens are figuring it out.
Big KidTo Label Or Not To Label, That Is The QuestionBy Mir Kamin A reader wants to know the value of putting a label on a struggling older child, or does it even matter? I have strong opinions on this one.
Big KidLife’s Not Fair, Whether I Help My Teens or NotBy Mir Kamin The knife-edge between encouraging my teens to self-advocate and stepping in while I still can is a precarious one, especially in a world that’s unfair.
Big KidPreparing Without Scaring: Before ADHD TestingBy Mir Kamin A reader wants to know what (and how much) to say before her daughter is evaluated and tested for ADHD. As you might suspect, I have some opinions on this topic.
Big KidIt Might Be ADHD. Now What??By Amalah What to do when you suspect that your child has ADHD. We share our favorite resources and BTDT techniques that have worked with our families.