iProud of You, Graduate
Just print, cut and fill-in the congratulations box in this iPhone-inspired graduation card printable. Oh, yeah it’s free.
Just print, cut and fill-in the congratulations box in this iPhone-inspired graduation card printable. Oh, yeah it’s free.
Tomorrow afternoon you are to going stand in an auditorium with a thousand other kids your age. People will speak. Some parents will dab tears. Others will be elbowing their way to a prime position in order to take a photo with their zoom lens. I don’t need to tell you which group I will be in.
Every year at this time, our elementary school holds individual ceremonies for the third, fourth and fifth grades. Anyway, that part of the event is all fine and good and it’s great to see the kids get their little medals and certificates. But then? Then things take a very obnoxious turn. Because that’s when the principal thanks everyone for coming, makes some closing remarks and opens up the mic. To the audience. Of parents….
This How To Knot a Tie Tutorial double-duties as a fantastic card for Father’s Day and graduates if you’re gifting a tie as well.
To say the high school goal is to graduate is much like saying one’s career goal is to be successful; both are temporal.
Do you know a graduate that will need this when s/he leaves for college soon? Just download a copy of my Laundry Cheat Sheet and print to share with him or her.
Celebrate your college-bound graduate with our high school graduation party ideas for decor, food, and making memories.
With just one (short) year left before college, I have to figure out how to give my oldest enough room to get ready to launch. We’re getting there.
A remodeling project is always fraught, but throw soon-to-fly-the-coop teens into the mix, and I’m even more neurotic than usual. Surprise.
Graduation is almost here, and so are all of the feelings that accompany it. Time to make a to-do list and focus on that, I guess.
A personalized DIY graduation gift that is easy peasy to make.
It seems like there was supposed to be an immediate shift, somewhere in the whole turning-18-and-graduating-high-school thing. But life is full of moments.
Has a case of senioritis arrived at your house? Don’t wave it off; talk early and often about these last few months before graduation.
It’s graduation season and if you’re planning a celebration we’ve compiled our favorite party jams picked especially for the graduate and friends.
There are some graduation speeches that seem to resonate with a lot of us. They make us think, laugh, and hopefully embolden us to be better people.
Show the graduate how much you care by gifting them with this fab flower bouquet with congratulatory notes and if you’ve got it, some rolled-up cash, too! We show you how to make your own. Easy peasy.