Playdate Punctuality (or the Lack Thereof)
A mom is annoyed that a friend and her child are perpetually late by 20 minutes to every single playdate. Should she say something or let it go?
A mom is annoyed that a friend and her child are perpetually late by 20 minutes to every single playdate. Should she say something or let it go?
Is my friend taking advantage of me and my willingness to watch her kids?
My friend’s kid is mean to my child, but my friend has no idea. Now what?
What do you do and say when not only do many people inquire about your birth plan, but then those same busybodies try to change your mind?
There are valuable lessons to be learned in all of our relationships, romantic and otherwise. And like so many other things that I was so sure about, I changed my mind. Here are the reasons I let my children “date.”
A babysitter is stuck in an sticky situation. Her toddler babysitting charge has behavioral issues that his mom refuses to address and it’s negatively affecting her own children and animals. Since the toddler is a friend’s child she’s having a hard time knowing how to proceed.
My friend’s father just died after a long battle with cancer. What can I do for her and her family? How can I be a help and not a burden?
I have to admit that the first time I read this question I frantically zeroed in on the Back button and got the hell away from it, once I realized what it was about. It took a few days before I was able to go back and really read it. And then it took a few days after that before I realized I just couldn’t answer it. Not by myself, anyway.
Where’s the line when someone else’s child is misbehaving?
No one wants their kid to be unkind to others, but when it comes to issues of mental illness, are you teaching your kid kindness or fear?
We have some advice on how to cut someone out of your life after they’ve already cut you out of theirs.
It seems like apologizing would be something easy to do, but it isn’t. So just how do you apologize? I have compiled some rules for you to follow.
A FTM needs help learning how to talk to other moms in her Baby and Me Yoga Class. She wants to make friends with these other moms she sees, she just doesn’t know what to say.
Things to avoid when visiting or staying with brand-new parents.
A third-trimester pregnant mom has an unusually large amount of family and friends visiting and staying overnight on a fairly regular basis and she’s quite tired of it. How can she say No politely?
SAHM/WAHM/WOHM ISO same for friendship, playdates, outings, sanity-saving.
I just found out — thanks to Facebook — that one of my best friends is getting married. And I’m not invited. What happened??
One of my best friends went completely AWOL and dumped me after I got pregnant. Can I forgive her? SHOULD I forgive her?
How do you keep mom friendships alive, once your children move on to new schools, new schedules, new friends?
Through years of challenges, one cookie has steadied me every single holiday season. Is it magic? Maybe. I’m not going to rule it out.