Can This Childcare Situation Be Saved?
A family childcare situation is putting a lot of stress on the kids and the parent in charge. The stressed-out mom needs some advice on how to handle this sticky situation.
A family childcare situation is putting a lot of stress on the kids and the parent in charge. The stressed-out mom needs some advice on how to handle this sticky situation.
A mom to a kindergartner is asking whether she needs to start talking to her kids about current events now that her child has started school?
When you know you need to set boundaries with your mother-in-law, especially as life becomes more intertwined with a baby on the way, but don’t know how.
A mom needs help making a career decision that will impact how she spends time with her kids and outsources some caregiving duties. She turns to Amalah for advice.
Graduation is almost here, and so are all of the feelings that accompany it. Time to make a to-do list and focus on that, I guess.
While a child’s 18th birthday is a big deal no matter what, it’s especially meaningful to our family that our once-struggling kid is now, finally, thriving.
A toddler is irrationally fearful of having her finger and toe nails clipped. Her parents have tried everything. What else can they do to help her over this fear?
Even though we’ve been incredibly lucky to have a great teacher in our lives as long as we have, saying goodbye is never easy.
The knife-edge between encouraging my teens to self-advocate and stepping in while I still can is a precarious one, especially in a world that’s unfair.
A mom will be separated from her toddler while on a business trip for the first time. She can’t seem to put out her concerns and fears, about being away from her child, out of her head. What can she do about this parental separation anxiety?
A regular reader returns needing advice on how to help with her “easygoing” and “gifted” child who has suddenly been exhibiting disruptive and negative-attention seeking behaviors.
Amalah tackles a common problem: disagreements over household division of responsibilities between out-of-the-home-working and stay-at-home parents.
Sure, you keep saying you and partner need some time away from the kids but here’s why you really need to do it.
We are far less concerned about this expectant mom’s weight gain than we are about her feelings about her weight gain.
An expectant mom is experiencing high anxiety from the extraordinary amount of very detailed and unsolicited advice she is getting from her mother and in-laws so early in her pregnancy. She needs help setting boundaries.
Our family won’t be together this week, but that’s okay — it’s helping me focus on what’s really important, and how thankful I truly am.
Today’s query asks if being far away means a concerned aunt can’t help her nephew, and my answer is that she can help more than she thinks.
A mom is starting to climb out of postpartum depression and is having a hard time getting her husband’s support for alone time for self-care.
When you think of a midlife crisis, you think of a guy who goes out to suddenly acquire a sports car and a trophy wife. But women have midlife crises too. And here’s what to do about it.
Micromanagement is my middle name, but as my kids approach adulthood I’m actively scaling back so they can shine in spite of me.