23 Exceedingly Helpful Tips For Maintaining Your Sanity While Living With Children
“Do not paint any walls in your house with flat paint” is just one of our many helpful tips for staying sane while raising children.
“Do not paint any walls in your house with flat paint” is just one of our many helpful tips for staying sane while raising children.
I’m a big girl with a big shopping problem. Where can I find cute maternity clothes that don’t make me look and feel like a depressed wedding cake?
I’m pregnant and live overseas, but want to come home for my third trimester and the birth…with or without my husband.
A new and breastfeeding mom is being food shamed by her husband for her increased appetite and postpartum body. She needs help on talking to him.
We are far less concerned about this expectant mom’s weight gain than we are about her feelings about her weight gain.
The New York Times, that bastion of meaningful news, published a story yesterday on how cosmetic companies and retailers are targeting six- to nine-year-old girls. Salons for little girls are springing up around the country, apparently, with parents hosting “beauty primping parties” for daughters and…
Amalah tackles a common problem: disagreements over household division of responsibilities between out-of-the-home-working and stay-at-home parents.
Conflicted and intrusive thoughts are ruining her pregnancy. We have some advice and resources to recommend.
Children have a right to go to school and not be bullied. They have the right to walk the hallways without being subjected to taunts. Their voices need to be heard and taken seriously.
After a miscarriage, our reader is looking for support on how to overcome the fear of becoming pregnant only to suffer another loss.
My husband is an alcoholic…but if he goes to rehab he’ll miss the birth of our child. What should I do? We have some advice.
I went off medication so I could have a baby and nurse him for as long as I could. I need to go back on it, but the emotional pain of forced weaning hurts just as much.
While a child’s 18th birthday is a big deal no matter what, it’s especially meaningful to our family that our once-struggling kid is now, finally, thriving.
After a difficult pregnancy, birth and newborn experience, a mother wants to know: Am I a monster for hating every minute of those “magical moments?”
The New York Times this week profiled Billy Wolfe, a high school sophomore who has been the target of emotional and physical abuse at the hands of his classmates. Three years ago, for whatever mysterious, cruel reason, the school bullies determined that he was unacceptable….
A mom is starting to climb out of postpartum depression and is having a hard time getting her husband’s support for alone time for self-care.
A SAHM is on the brink of cracking and needs some immediate advice on how to get some relief and help with her very young and attention-seeking children.
A first-time expectant mom asks how she can tell whether the mood swings she has been experiencing lately are normal . Or it is prenatal depression?
Should I get a tubal ligation done during my C-section? Or is that too much, all at once?
You are approaching the end of your pregnancy and you’re scared. It will be hard, but it will be good. Let us paint a picture of the exciting ride you’re about to experience.