Happy Birthday Dr. Suess!
Honor Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss) on his birthday by reading your fave book by him or adorning your little one in his art.
Honor Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss) on his birthday by reading your fave book by him or adorning your little one in his art.
For Thanksgiving books, we prefer to focus on gratitude, inclusion, and kindness, as well as sharing positive information from Native Americans themselves that accurately reflect their culture, history, and continued strength in the face of adversity.
For those children that struggle to enjoy reading, comics, and especially graphic novels, are a great solution. They tell a complete story, have developed characters, and combine visual cues with written words to add more emotional depth. Here are six great new choices out recently.
As a children’s librarian, I believe the more children of all backgrounds see themselves represented positively in books and in everyday situations, the more confident and accepted they will feel.
Have child or teen suffering from anxiety? A children’s librarian shares with us the books she recommends to parents and that may help.
As a librarian (and mom), I’m often asked for book recommendations for kids who love Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Luckily there are many great ones for kids.
Did your college student’s first foray into the bookstore cause palpitations? Take heart! While there are lots of options, that means lots of savings, too.
With the new series out on Hulu, I went back to read Margaret Atwood’s book again, and have suggestions for how to read it with your teen.
Unsure about whether 13 Reasons Why on Netflix is okay for your teen? My teen and an educator help me break it down for parents who have concerns.
George Orwell’s 1984 was meant to be an exaggerated dystopian reality and a warning rather than a blueprint. Time to revisit it with your (older) kids.
A mom wants to prepare herself for when her “medium-aged” children start asking about SEX. She’s looking for books as good resources, and advice on approaching the topic with younger kids.
So classic, it’s not even a trick to figure out why we keep giving kids these things every single year. But we do. And we love that we do.
Have a little one who gets a little scared during Halloween? Or has other fears and anxieties. Amalah has written a beautifully illustrated and customizable book that explains that fear is a normal emotion and helps children understand it’s OK if they don’t feel brave all the time.
It’s back-to-school and we have some personalized bookplates you can use to make sure your kids keep track of their books in style. Best of all, they’re FREE!
Carrying heavy books can be such a drag for students. You can’t lighten their load but you can brighten it with some fun book covers you can make together.
An expectant mom is in search of pregnancy and baby book recommendations for her husband. We’ve got some ideas but would love your opinions as well!
Review and book group discussion questions for Rare Bird: A Memoir of Loss and Love by Anna Whitson-Donaldson.
We’re discussing Wendy Mogel’s “The Blessing of a Skinned Knee” parenting book in our monthly book club. Have you read it yet?
We review and discuss Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain by Daniel J. Siegel. Book club questions included.
Is there any better time than summer to dive into a good book or two (or ten)? I say no. Here’s what my teens are reading, and what I hope they’ll read.