Because Baby Snot Isn’t Good for Your Decolletage
Hello! I am not qualified to give advice of any kind, at all. Yet I do it anyway. So there.
Hello! I am not qualified to give advice of any kind, at all. Yet I do it anyway. So there.
Hi Ames, Some time this year I bought Vicky’s IPEX bra, which was probably overpriced but still, really nice. I liked it a lot. Then, when the IPEX demi came out I was totally stoked and I bought two more. I now have 150 bucks…
Hi Amy, I had a baby about four months ago. Now I’m stuck in the “I can’t wear my old clothes except for a few stretchy sweat pants and one pair of cords and one pair of my pre-five-month maternity pants that I won’t give…
Long time lurker here. Just popping in to see if that picture in the banner for the Smackdown, is really your toes. Because they’re great toes. And great floors too. So if it really is you, in your own home… what kind of flooring is…
Amalah- I’m not much of a make-up type person. I’ve pretty much struggled with bad acne most of my life (like since age 9) but that’s for another blog. Anyway, I’ve finally found a moisturizer I like and things are going grand. Except is still…
Dearest Amalah, Oh True Knower of Fashion Trends, This morning on The Today Show they had an awful segment on the return of LEGGINGS as a fashion hit. (Look, I’ll even provide a link with pictures!) I was especially horrified at the thought of leggings…
Amalah is traveling to New York City this week on a top-secret anti-leggings guerrilla mission. Or possibly she is just drinking a lot of wine. Either way, this week’s column features some of her favorite questions from past Smackdowns. Dear Amalah, I don’t know if…
Dearest Amalah, So the 13 months of sleep deprivation (that came with the baby) and spotty effort at face care (who has the time to shower, much less wash your face twice a day) has finally started taking its toll on my face. I broke…
Goddess of Advice, Dearest Amalah, I have a question regarding etiquette. I know that you recently left the office world where co-workers were a few feet a way and you are now learning the life of the freelancer, with fellow bloggers an IM away. But…
DISCLAIMER: This week’s column was written while your intrepid bossy-type advice person was at the beach, where she (like always) wore no makeup, spent days in the same tank top and didn’t deep condition. Because she likes to believe that she magically transforms into a…
Dear Amalah, Recently you said that one of the best ways to look like you have it all together, is to get your eyebrows done. I gulped when I read that, for while I spend hundreds of dollars on my hair, I have the worst…
Dear Almighty Amalah, I love your blog and I share your love for Coach handbags. Luckily I have received two over the years as gifts. However, that was several years ago and they are showing signs of wear, particularly in the bindings. A friend told…
I am writing this week’s column on the plane, while on my way to BlogHer. Whooo! Dedication! Multi-tasking! The guy in the seat next to me repeatedly whacking my elbows and reading over my shoulder! (HI. WHAT. STOP LOOKING AT MY BOOBS.) This also means,…
BUT FIRST: I’ve gotten quite a few requests for clarification about the Not Curly But Sort-Of Bendy hairstyle I described two weeks ago. For some reason, the brilliant bit of prose: “don’t open the “flappy”thing” confused a couple people. I mean, really. Anyway, funny story!…
Hi Amy, I’m a 21 year old woman in college in Washington D.C. I’m currently dating a 23-year-old man who is working at a media company in the D.C. area. This is the first relationship for both of us. We’ve been together for 15 months…
Hi Amy, I wrote you AGES ago asking about how to get a Coach bag on discount, and then school kicked in and I promptly forgot to check back on your site for the advice. So imagine my surprise when I went back the other…
Amy, Ok, a few months ago I purchased the Two Faced Box of Chocolates and I LOVE it. Not only are the colors awesome but they all smell like chocolate. How can you go wrong!? Anyway, my main dilemma is that while I love these…
Today, I want to take you on an extra-special journey through the Mind of Amy, as I demonstrate my typical thought process as I read through a typical question. (Bold text is our intrepid question-asker-person, while everything in italics and parentheses is mine, as you…
Hi Amy, Cankles, big feet, and cold toes – that’s me from the knee down (or mid-thigh, it’s tough to tell). Zappo’s is lovely when you have a clue what you’re looking for but I am so terribly terribly inept at this whole thing. Tell…
I am extremely pleased to report that we have an entire ARMY of newly-minted AlphaFoxyMamas out there, standing by to assist you in all your beauty queries. I wanted a panel and lo, I now have a LEGION. People, I have MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. I have…