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End-of-School Interviews for Kids

By Rachel Meeks

Now that we’re at the end of the school year and I’m realizing how much my child has grown, it’s time to interview her to document this special milestone.

The end of school is always full of activities and graduations, recycling old workbooks, and making summer plans, so make time for an interview to record some of your child’s memories about the school year.

Interview Questions You Can Use:

What is your favorite class?

What is the best part of the school day?

Who are your friends?

What is something you learned in science?

What is something you learned in math?

What is something you wrote?

What is your favorite art project?

What is your favorite book to read by yourself?

What is your favorite book that someone read to you?

What food do you like to eat at lunch?

What is your favorite game to play at recess?

What is your favorite activity after school?

What do you like about your teacher?

What do you look forward to for summer?

About the Author

Rachel Meeks

Rachel Meeks is the voice behind the popular blog Small Notebook, a resource for simplifying and organizing your home. (Because it’s so much easier to be a parent when you’re not surrou...

Rachel Meeks is the voice behind the popular blog Small Notebook, a resource for simplifying and organizing your home. (Because it’s so much easier to be a parent when you’re not surrounded by a ton of stuff.)

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