23 Exceedingly Helpful Tips For Maintaining Your Sanity While Living With Children
“Do not paint any walls in your house with flat paint” is just one of our many helpful tips for staying sane while raising children.
“Do not paint any walls in your house with flat paint” is just one of our many helpful tips for staying sane while raising children.
My husband’s stepmother wants our son to call her Grandma. He’s not so sure he’s okay with that. What should we do?
A mom is annoyed that a friend and her child are perpetually late by 20 minutes to every single playdate. Should she say something or let it go?
Remembering everything you felt — or didn’t — when you first met your baby.
A mother-in-law writes in for advice about a daughter-in-law who plays favorites and keeps her from spending enough time with her grandchild.
You love the baby but not the name. What do you do when you regret giving your baby his/her name?
She doesn’t want kids to attend. He says his family will boycott the wedding if the kids aren’t invited. Can a non-elopement compromise be found?
My mother has announced that she will never let her (hypothetical, for now) grandchildren call her anything grandmother-related. Should I be worried?
Will having a baby in the bridal party steal a bride’s thunder on her wedding day? Handling the no kids policy at weddings and not wanting a baby flower girl.
You’ve had a baby! Congratulations. Now when are you having another one?
A grandmother is being asked by her daughter to forgo “Grandma” for an alternative name to be called by her grandkids. She needs some advice.
Only three people came to my baby shower and I’m having a really hard time dealing with the disappointment. How can I make myself get over this?
My mother-in-law watches my children during the day for free, but it’s costing me my sanity! She is undermining my wishes left and right.
My close friend won’t stop disparaging my choice to go back to work! Can this friendship be saved?
A grandmother-to-be wants to know how to be a help after the baby arrives…instead of a pain in the butt.
Amalah tackles a common problem: disagreements over household division of responsibilities between out-of-the-home-working and stay-at-home parents.
A bride-to-be wants the brutal truth: Are you offended when your children aren’t included on a wedding invitation?
Are middle names just as fraught with drama and territorial hurt feelings as first names?
My husband stays home with our son and is falling apart. I don’t know what to do or how to help.
Is my friend taking advantage of me and my willingness to watch her kids?