Making the Most of a Hand-Me-Down Wardrobe
Learn how to make the most of a kid’s hand-me-down wardrobe, tell us your ideas and enter to win a $500 gift card to Old Navy. Whee!
Learn how to make the most of a kid’s hand-me-down wardrobe, tell us your ideas and enter to win a $500 gift card to Old Navy. Whee!
“Do not paint any walls in your house with flat paint” is just one of our many helpful tips for staying sane while raising children.
Find out if you know your Sodium Lauryl Sulfate from your Polyethylene…. It can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. We created a cheat sheet so that you can keep it all clear.
Mistakes, I’ve made more than a few.
Can you have three car seats without having to succumb to a minivan? And, really is a minivan all that bad?
I don’t find other people’s misbehaving children endearing at all. I am not childless. As a mother of seven children I fully support these type of bans.
When baby’s got curly hair and mama doesn’t know how to care for it, it sometimes means baby is walking around with a rat’s nest on her head. Luckily we’ve got mama covered with advice from another mom in the trenches.
The eternal holiday question: Is Santa lying to your kids, harmless fun…or something more meaningful than that?
What has happened for me as parent is redefining what actually matters, not getting as caught up in the small things, and choosing my battles wisely.
Yes, my kid watches television. Let’s just get over it and dish about our favorite shows.
Should I put my son is a private preschool even though it will be quite expensive for our family?
A five-year-old’s craving for sugary treats has led to a mini-crime spree. What now?
I’ve been thinking about the practice of redshirting: postponing your child’s entrance into kindergarten to give him or her an academic or social edge. I’m not considering it for my son, mind you: we were spared that decision, because Henry just missed the cut-off date…
My friend’s kid is mean to my child, but my friend has no idea. Now what?
When your child has the dreaded Fear Of Shampoo and will fight you to the death over it.
My 2.5 year old loves to RUN. Away. From us. At every possible and dangerous occasion. What can we do, besides putting him on a leash?
After spending time with my friends’ needy, clingy children, I am having second thoughts about parenthood. Will I really feel that differently about my own baby?
A mom needs advice on how to keep her young child’s fine blond hair from becoming a tangled matted mess. Amalah has some tips for keeping toddler hair tangle-free.
This Boot Camp Style Potty Training course is a four-day process. Be prepared and be scared (not really!).
I’m worried something isn’t quite “right” with my daughter, but her school keeps finding excuses for not evaluating our concerns. Where do I turn for help?