Summer Reading Ideas for Kids
Prevent summer slide by encouraging your kids to read with these four fun programs.
Prevent summer slide by encouraging your kids to read with these four fun programs.
Hello devoted Wonderland readers. It is I, Liz in Wonderland, a poor man’s Alice, back again while your beloved host takes another family vacation. That’s two vacations in one month, for those of you keeping track. Send hatemail to [email protected]. (Not about me, about the…
So, I’ve been perusing the Back-to-School catalogs and am all giddy about this new trend: caplets or capes. True, I have a boy, but perhaps it’s a harbinger and I will see some on the women’s shelves this fall. The first is available at the…
Ladies, I have the perfect gift for the young, unformed girl in your life: Hasbro’s Rose Petal Cottage. The Rose Petal Cottage is advertised as part of the “Dream Town collection,” although there’s no other part of this “town” for sale. There are no other…
As a child I was terrified of Santa. I had nightmares: a red-gloved hand clawing at my window, glass breaking downstairs while I hid under my bed. Who wouldn’t be scared of this creepy, omniscient stranger who was judging, ever judging? At the mall, he…
I’ve been thinking about the practice of redshirting: postponing your child’s entrance into kindergarten to give him or her an academic or social edge. I’m not considering it for my son, mind you: we were spared that decision, because Henry just missed the cut-off date…
The New York Times magazine this week covered the single-sex public education movement. Of course single-sex education is nothing new—just ask parochial and private school students. But as stories crop up of how our school system fails boys and girls, the idea of segregating students…
The other day, my husband expressed his concern that Henry is, at the tender age of 5 and a few months, a computer semi-illiterate. Surprising as this may be for the child of two parents who are on the computer almost all the time, Henry…
Ever wonder where the Tooth Fairy comes from? What’s the going rate for a lost tooth? Find out and let us know what the fairy pays in your ‘hood.
“The Easter Bunny’s not real, right?” How do you handle these kinds of questions with your children? Do you think some kinds of lies are okay to tell?
I love innovation and this book takes the ubiquitous picture book to the next level using “scanimation” technology to make art literally move. Watch horses gallop and butterflies flutter across the pages.
There comes an uncomfortable turning point in the parent/child relationship when the child realizes that he has opinions about whom he wants to befriend, and that his opinions do not necessarily jibe with his parents’. Usually, or at least over here in New Jersey (in…
School fundraisers are a necessary evil — but that doesn’t mean they can’t be fun. Here are five easy ways to raise money for your child’s school.
Henry is in one room. I’m in the other. Two outfits lie before each of us. We’ve been waiting for this moment for seconds, if not minutes. And now the moment of truth has arrived. “Ready,” I call out. “Set,” Henry yells. Go. The race…
Should you discipline other people’s kids? Yes. Okay, next question. No, but seriously. Liz (hi Liz!) of Mom-101 wrote about an incident that I’m still mulling over. (Such is her genius.) The incident in question took place one fateful afternoon in Target, when Liz watched…
Your young child is starting to ask about SEX. When should you start getting technical with the details?
So you’ve found her–the perfect babysitter. How do you keep her around and exclusive? Learn from a former babysitter who always chose her jobs wisely.
This mom shares her secrets.
You know your kid is beautiful inside and out. Now learn how baby can start paying for college.
Mir Kamin of Woulda Coulda Shoulda shares her advice for teaching children to be fiscally responsible.