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Oh Tyra, Tyra, Tyra.

By Isabel Kallman

tyty1.jpgSo, earlier this week I was invited by a friendly acquaintance to visit her on the set of The Tyra Banks Show. The taping was for an episode on new motherhood issues and she was one of the parenting professionals there to help the guest mothers, who are facing a host of challenges.
The moms’ issues range from distorted body image, to bonding, to anxiety and postpartum depression. I was impressed to see TyTy taking on something so serious in an area that doesn’t revolve around herself. Yes, the show tried to tackle many subjects, but these are insanely important issues and therefore ultimately their effort was a public service.
Jill Spivak provided excellent practical advice to moms everywhere on how to help babies develop healthy sleep habits, which basically helps the whole family. Not surprising, since before moving to LA, Jill worked at the wonderful Soho Parenting Center (they’re an Alpha Mom TV star!). She also helped frame issues of new mom anxiety in a gentle and non-judgmental manner.
Jill is now also a featured parenting expert for MomLogic a new parenting website (currently in Beta). It’s founded and run by Telepictures (owned by Warner Brothers TV). So, I would expect Ellen DeGeneres, Tyra and their other daytime properties to up the airtime exposure on parenting issues. Yeah!
tyty2.jpgTyTy chose excellent parenting experts, but I think TyTy needs some training if she’s gonna do more parenting shows like this one. She was sympathetic enough to the guest moms. But, TyTy tried awfully hard to sensationalize their issues (hey, The Today Show does that too!). Though I think what bothered me most was that she couldn’t help herself from waving around her judgment stick at times.
TyTy, listen closely (like you care), it doesn’t do moms or you any good.
Thank you to Rich at FourFour for the screen shots.

Related Content:

Healthy Infant Sleep: The Early Months (Part 1)
Infant Sleep: Initiating a Routine (Part 2)
Healthy Infant Sleep: Why It is Important (Part 3)
Healthy Infant Sleep: Responsive Parenting (Part 4)
Infant Bedtime Routine (Part 5)
Optimal Bedtime for Baby (Part 6)
The Sleep Myth (Part 7)
Healthy Infant Sleep: Night Wakings (Part 8)
Crying & Sleep 1: Fears about Crying
Crying & Sleep 2: Building Trust
Crying & Sleep 3: The Functions of Crying
Crying & Sleep 4: Self-Soothing
Crying & Sleep 5: Communication

About the Author

Isabel Kallman

Isabel Kallman is the founding mom of

Feel free to send nice emails to isabel[at]alphamom[dot]com.


Isabel Kallman is the founding mom of

Feel free to send nice emails to isabel[at]alphamom[dot]com.

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