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My Today Show appearance

By Isabel Kallman

So, this morning I went back to The Today Show. Here’s a link to the video if you’re interested. Last time, I was on to discuss Alpha Mom as a consumer demographic that marketers are now coveting more than ever. True, moms have always been influential, but with advances in technology their ability to spread the gospel about something they love (or hate) has grown exponentially. Communities no longer are constrained to physical locations, they are now virtual.
Anyhow, back to this morning. I always decline requests to participate in what look to be “Mommy Wars” stories. The “Mommy Wars” are in short, media-inspired fictional battles between moms: working vs. stay-at-home moms, bottle-feeding vs. breastfeeding, I could go on, but I won’t. Research shows that the vast majority of moms don’t “fight” with each other, but support each other and their parenting decisions. Stories, that tend to have the “versus” in them, make for fun TV, but that doesn’t make them true.
In this case, I knew the segment was to be called “Alpha Mom vs. Slacker Mom.” I chose to participate, because Alpha Mom is the brand name of my company. If I didn’t go on camera, they would have chosen someone else. Also, my recent experience on The Today Show was positive.
I guess the thing that I was most nervous about was that I was going to be on camera with two very well-trained TV professionals– Meredith Vieira (anchor of Today) and Rene Syler (former anchor of CBS Early Show). I’ve been on live television only twice before. It’s really tough.
Overall, I was incredibly pleased that the conversation did not degenerate to an argument about whose style of parenting is best. Rather it focused on that ultimately what is important is to do what is best for your family. I think that is really a testament to how well the segment was produced. I think credit should be given, when credit is due.
There was the implication that Alpha Moms do raise the bar too high (which I think is a huge misconception). I thought I addressed it initially in the interview, but in a follow-up question Rene Syler harped that moms (maybe implying Alpha Moms? all moms?) do this. I hope you guys heard me. This so-called “bar” is subjective and it is whatever a mom wants it to be. I trust that moms are smart enough to figure out what that supposed-bar needs to be for themselves. Moms don’t need anybody telling them to “chill.” I think in our super-charged world, everyone needs to find balance and can do it on their own terms. And, if you look through this website at the columns and videos, I am most proud that we walk our talk.
So, what is an Alpha Mom (which they never asked me, but that’s okay)? Well, I chose Alpha Mom as the name of this brand since it spoke to me as reflection of modern motherhood. Moms are forced today to juggle so much given that support systems (extended family, government, school) are just not there to support moms like they once did. Moms are finding community with other moms both through social groups and online. They’re helping each other out because they care not only about their own kids but those of their friends as well.
My day has started off well.

About the Author

Isabel Kallman

Isabel Kallman is the founding mom of

Feel free to send nice emails to isabel[at]alphamom[dot]com.


Isabel Kallman is the founding mom of

Feel free to send nice emails to isabel[at]alphamom[dot]com.

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