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Make Matchbook Valentine Cards (Free Printable) by Rachel Meeks

Make Matchbook Valentine Cards (Free Printable)

By Rachel Meeks

We made matchbook valentine cards with stickers inside to surprise friends on Valentine’s Day. Make yours with our printable template!

Matchbook Valentine

Print the pdf template on 8.5×11″ paper. Bright-colored paper looks best.

Child signing name on printable valentine

matchbox valentine printable with name signed on bottom

Cut the cards on the solid lines, and fold them on the dotted lines.

folded valentine matchbox printable

Cut sheets of small stickers into a size that will fit inside the matchbook.

sticker sheets for matchbox valentine

Staple the stickers inside the lower flap of the card. Place the staple close to the edge so that you can tuck in the top flap.

stapling stickers inside matchbox valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day!

young girl holding matchbox valentine

 Find More Class Valentines Here:

About the Author

Rachel Meeks

Rachel Meeks is the voice behind the popular blog Small Notebook, a resource for simplifying and organizing your home. (Because it’s so much easier to be a parent when you’re not surrou...

Rachel Meeks is the voice behind the popular blog Small Notebook, a resource for simplifying and organizing your home. (Because it’s so much easier to be a parent when you’re not surrounded by a ton of stuff.)

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