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Celebrating Talk Like a Pirate Day

By Isabel Kallman

At my house “Pirate Night” is a regular affair. Here’s a reprint from a post I wrote last year. We’re gonna do it up again tonight.

Like many young boys, my son is obsessed with pirates. Blaming pirates for his ill manners. I’m eating with my hands because I’m a pirate. I’m speaking with food in my mouth, because I’m a pirate. You get it.
So, one warm summer evening I declared it Pirate Night and we went all out.

Here’s a sampling of the night:

Dress the part.

Use a head scarf, raid your collection of costume jewelry, recycle a delivery cardboard box into a homemade sword.

pirate party for kidspirate party for kids

Pirate Dinner.

Let your brood eat with their hands and put their feet on the dinner table.


Celebrate with a post-dinner dance party.

Yes, dancing on the table is allowed.


Dessert Treasure Hunt.

Ask your little ones to follow your hand-drawn map to a hidden extra-special treat.

pirate party for kidspirate party for kids

Feet on the table? Of course.

pirate party for kids

More Treasure Hunting.

pirate party for kids

End the night with some Pirate Books.

pirate party for kidspirate party for kids

Ever wonder why a pirate ship’s flag is called the Jolly Roger? Well, find the story (okay, a story) at Roger, the Jolly Pirate. It’s clearly not factual, but my family likes it and therefore we’re sticking with it.

Pirates Don’t Change Diapers
is the follow-up book to the popular How I Became a Pirate. There are some really laugh-out-loud scenes for preschoolers as the pirates take a crack at babysitting.

About the Author

Isabel Kallman

Isabel Kallman is the founding mom of

Feel free to send nice emails to isabel[at]alphamom[dot]com.


Isabel Kallman is the founding mom of

Feel free to send nice emails to isabel[at]alphamom[dot]com.

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